CONSTANTINOPLE Proclus (Proklos)( Greek philosopher)
Comments for CONSTANTINOPLE Proclus (Proklos)
Biography CONSTANTINOPLE Proclus (Proklos)
Proclus of Constantinople; Proklos, OK. 410-485 years. n. e., Greek philosopher. He was born in Lycia. He studied in Alexandria and Constantinople, and then settled in Athens, where he became head of the Neoplatonic school and the last glorious her representative. P. was the author of several dozen works, mostly representing a lecture for the school, and several hymns in honor of the gods. The main product of P. - A Basic Physics (Stoicheiosis physike) and Principles of Theology (Stoicheiosis theologike). Most of the works of P. were comments on the works of Plato, of whom almost nothing. P. also commented on the works of Euclid and Claudius Ptolemy. His performances against Christianity provoked resistance from the Christian writers. Although P. and was not very original thinker, above all, continuing and developing the teaching of Plotinus, Porphyry and lamblichus, it is the last great representative of the Greek pagan philosophy. He has systematized this philosophy and has had a significant influence on the development of European thought in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.