Erdmann Franz Ivanovich( Historian)
Comments for Erdmann Franz Ivanovich
Biography Erdmann Franz Ivanovich
Erdman Franz Ivanovich Professor eastern literature. Born in g. Lyudvigslyuste. Secondary education in the Lц?beck gymnasium, the highest - in Rostock and the University of GцІttingen, in the first of them received a Ph.D. and was assistant professor and ad'yunktom the Faculty of Philosophy (1816). . . In 1818 at the suggestion of Professor . Freni elected to the Kazan University, full professor of oriental languages. In 1824, Mr.. it is responsible for superintendence Mintz-cabinet and cabinet of curiosities. In 1825, traveled with the scientific view of oreburgskomu and the edge of the Kama. In 1832-1834 he. Erdmann made and prepared for publication a description of the university collection of Asian coins.
In 1840, Mr.. adopted Russian citizenship. In 1841, the first approved by the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy department and provost. In 1843, approved the rank of Distinguished Professor.