Identified as the cause of death of Lev Durov
Became known, why his heart stopped a popular favorite, actor the Lion Durov. Cause of death was complications after surgery.
People's artist of Russia died in intensive care 1 City hospital on the night of 20 August. For the life of Durov doctors fought since August 7, when he was taken to hospital the result of problems with the heart. The artist even got better, but soon the doctor 1 Gradski said that the status of Lev Konstantinovich worsened.
Durova immediately sent to the operating room on August 19, and later took a new intervention: doctors found that his vessels began to form clots. The hospital invited the surgical team from another hospital, however the new operation results is not given, informs LifeNews.
2 days before that, the doctors said that the murders had contracted a severe pneumonia, began to increase respiratory distress. The patient had to connect again to the device of artificial ventilation of the lungs, which kept him alive until the last moment. Formed in the process of healing complications were overly serious, and is currently at 00:50 the heart of the singer stopped.
Meanwhile colleagues Durov continue to Express condolences. People's artist of Russia Mikhail Boyarsky reminded that the murders were "stunningly sincere man and just radiated energy". "On set he was always the ringleader, joked, told stories, besides himself of them laughed to tears. He was uncompromising could not take on the spirit of people that are disgusting to him. In other words he was very militant, but it is extremely sentimental. Overall it was a stunning man. Such Russian artists at the moment - one, two and miscalculated," said Boyarsky.