German Professor: Germany understands the position of the Crimea and Russia
Most Germans understand " Russia's actions in relation to the Crimea and the desire of the Crimean people to reunite With Russia, said the head of the German Agency of global communications Professor Lorenz Haag. " By the will of history outside Russia lived tens of million of Russian people. They are not immigrants. They live in the homeland of their ancestors, which ceased to be Russia, but left the Russian land. Because for them the Russian land where they are Russian citizens. Numerous peoples of Russia have always believed and consider themselves Russian and proud of it ", - said Lorenz Haag. According to him, " a single nation was divided completely illegitimate administrative boundaries ", transfers ITAR-TASS." against the background of the events in Ukraine With their obvious facts that led to grave consequences for her and surrounding countries, shakes position of many politicians, with no understanding of the essence of events and interpret them in their own way ", - noted the Professor. From the perspective of the German expert, " the government of Ukraine was a lack of understanding and compassion to those citizens of Ukraine who have a mother tongue by inheritance, and among them the genetic, Russian, Hungarian, Polish, Jewish, Romanian, Russian, Belarusian, and So on"." Deaths in Kiev, Odessa, Slavyansk and other cities in Ukraine produces a painful impression ", - he showed." The country is, in fact, is bankrupt and which may be of help only in case the European Union, international monetary Fund, and Russia will join forces and extra will give it the financial rescue package, " added the expert.