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Charlie Sheen (Shean Charlie)

( Actor)

Comments for Charlie Sheen (Shean Charlie)
Biography Charlie Sheen (Shean Charlie)
Real name: Carlos Estevez. Born 3/9/1965 in Los Angeles.
Spanish blood, inherited from his grandfather Shin, has shown no in appearance, nor yet in performing skills: excessive expression it is different. Charlie's all-American and has played with such a young age.
His motion picture "autobiography" a kind of portrait of the averaged, typed Americans belonging to a generation of tire and maturing together with the actor. For, perhaps, the main feature is its ordinariness.
Ready suit from the store sits on it much better than made-to-order tuxedo. In general his handsome, . although, . perhaps, . and a few too thick-set figure, . where winning "looks" in the sports attire or military uniforms toilets, . he wore on the screen repeatedly and which to some extent negate even exceptional personality.,
. And in the individual tire originality is not enough
. He is simple, and if being clever, this trick is sewn with white thread. His somewhat dark skin is clean, though not knowing yet razor, sensual mouth, piercing brown eyes, give him a definite sexual magnetism, calculated, however, at too young or aging fans. Print prosperous good boy whose life knew no special ups, no serious disappointments, remains on his forehead so far.
. However, for the first time in his life, he starred in the film, far removed from everyday life "Apocalypse Now" * (1979), but in this tape, where one of the main roles figured his father, Martin Sheen, Charlie went to the adolescent vsegonavsego role of extras in the crowd
. Participation in such an ambitious and talented setting is not passed in vain, and forever identified and its fate, and choice of profession. And in his "verbal" debut school football star, batter girlfriend at the protagonist picture "Lucas" (1986), he appeared clean-shaven, handsome, sensitive fine fellow, whose athletic talent is clearly prevail over intellectual. This followed a series of paintings, in which Sheen portrayed recognizable "guys living in the neighborhood," in 1985. he starred in the movie with this title, which number is legion.
However, not always his usual characters were engaged in the affairs of ordinary. Characters' Weekend Ferris Ruellera "(1986) and Shin in their number is a modernized characters of Mark Twain. In "Platoon" (1986), he is sent to the front and wrote moving letters to his grandmother, fulfilling the function of narration in the film. In "Red Dawn" (1984) takes up arms, that together with their classmates to protect Colorado from the invasion of Russian and Cuban. In "Three on the track" (1987) he, as an assistant senatoratirana, rescues him from his own daughter. But in any adventure or would fall of its heroes, is an inherent characteristic of their ordinariness, as usual their occupation: student, soldier, reporter, agent.
. It is in the form of the latter in the movie "Wall Street" * (1987) with particular clarity is the apparent dichotomy, in which almost always turn out to bus and types, and the actor himself, and many ordinary Americans.
. Fact, . that the myth of universal, equal opportunities, . of "self-making" of an individual units is confirmed, . and for most sterile and routine turns into hard labor INJECTING, . intermittent dubious adventures, . collapse which often gives rise to complex and frustration,
. Here the hero tire to put on your sweat traditionally resembles an anthill stock, dreams of millions, and the ideal of his successful businessman, a tough, ruthless, among those the most, "Make yourself", does not hesitate or anything in the past nor the present. Sold him, . youth reaches considerable and moral, . and material, . loses immeasurably more, . because the road to success is covered with a very wicked deeds, . soglyadataystvom, . betrayal including his own father, . worker and trade union activist,
. In this last betrayal he vsetaki not going to end, honest rustic guy is stronger sly, craving for money and power because in every person in varying degrees, reconciled the two of magnitude. This means that it is not destined to become a tycoon in the business world. Decency big players for nothing, it only hinders and causes failures.
The quality of this Shin inherited from his father: on the screen Martin Shin often accrue to the heroes with a moral start. Pets same connection type Estevez quite strong: in "Wall Street" Martin and Charlie played father and son, they were photographed together in "Spawn BeverliHillz" (1989), "Cadence" (1990), delivered by Martin Sheen. One of the brothers, Charlie, also works in cinema under this name, Emilio Estevez, wrote the script and made a film called "Wisdom" (1986), which was filmed and it is already quite famous brother.

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Charlie Sheen (Shean Charlie), photo, biography
Charlie Sheen (Shean Charlie), photo, biography Charlie Sheen (Shean Charlie)  Actor, photo, biography
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