Kusche, Lawrence David( Scientific)
Comments for Kusche, Lawrence David
Biography Kusche, Lawrence David
Lawrence David Kusche not famous and titled scientist. At nineteen he became a specialty of civil aviation pilots, and two years later received a diploma of pilot instructor and began giving lessons in piloting a flight school. By changing the hard work to control the aircraft at no less intense search for elusive information ', . he became interested in 'triangle', . when his, . the library to the University of Arizona, . are often called upon to help find at least some information about it, . which, . seemed, . completely absent.,
. Kusche came the hard way painstakingly collecting the crumbs of information scattered . After reviewing all the articles and books about the Bermuda Triangle and related problems, . Lawrence Kusche did not stop there, . He sent requests to all departments and services not only the U.S., . but other countries, . including Japan, . request to inform him of the details of any accidents at sea and in air, . He had studied page after page of local newspapers reports, reports on the investigation into the causes of disasters, transcripts of court proceedings. He thoroughly studied the directory-index of all articles published in The New York Times' for the period 1881 ... 1974 years. The logic of the author's research has inevitably led to the analysis and all the so-called scientific hypotheses to explain the 'phenomenon of the triangle'. Before the facts had faded and they. Lawrence Kusche stood in front of the rubble. They testified about the crash. But it had not been guilty of any 'death ray', or curvature of space or time, no anti-gravity, not even 'UFOs'. Object identified and realistic. Before us is a book where the 'legend' not stand 'life checks' and where 'life' was dramatic and interesting legends.