Vinogradskiy Alexei V.( Spiritual writer and preacher)
Comments for Vinogradskiy Alexei V.
Biography Vinogradskiy Alexei V.
1766 - 1819 He was educated at Zaikonospassky Moscow academy, which was later rector. As Bishop of Dmitrov A. administered the diocese for the aging Metropolitan Platon (Levshina). Since 1818 A. - Archbishop of Moscow and Kolomna. From A handwritten works. preserved courses of theology and the interpretation of several letters of the Apostles. Of his exegetical works published an article on the Psalms ", included in the second edition of the works of Metropolitan Ambrose," A brief guide to reading the books of the Old and New Testaments. "Works" A. published in 1856 (St. Petersburg): here is placed 15 words, 12 speeches, 2 prayer and 2 instruction. Words and speeches A. different animation and pictures, but not free of bombast and Latin designs. - See. I. Snegirev, "Essays on the life of the Archbishop of Moscow A." (Moscow, 1848), "A. Eminence, Archbishop of Moscow and Kolomna (Moscow, 1895; curriculum vitae and three letters to different persons).