ANDREEV, Vasili( One of the best Russian engravers XVII century)
Comments for ANDREEV, Vasili
Biography ANDREEV, Vasili
one of the best Russian engravers of the XVII century, a disciple of Athanasius Truhmenskogo. Worked with Leontiem Bunin for Synodiks and other spiritual books. An excellent engraving A. copper: 1) "The Virgin with baby Jesus", . who plays the harp, . made in the form of a cross, around rim of the cut leaf and scrollwork; below the signature "Rezal uczenic atanasii truchmenscovo"; 2) "Virgin" in the crown, . scepter and orb in his hands on his knees its Savior, . Below Verses Preizbrannaya Maria bride ... " and t. d. 3) "Images of Christ", 4) "Crucifixion", etc.. All of his known etchings and 30, of which some are very rare. - Wed. Rovinsky, "Russian engravers and their works" (Moscow, 1870).