Bielawski Nikolai( Writer)
Comments for Bielawski Nikolai
Biography Bielawski Nikolai
(born 1869) Professor police law in Yuryev University and Imperial College of Law. He graduated from the course at St. Petersburg University in the Faculty of Law. In 1898, for the protection of the dissertation: "Savings Banks (St. Petersburg, 1896), received a Master of police law. Other works Belyavsky: "Our cultural and economic progress in Central Asia" (Riga, . 1894, . brochure), "Working at home and the homes of diligence" (Yuriev, . 1898, . public lecture), "School savings banks" (Yuriev, . 1902); "Domestic" (Yuriev, . 1907), "Police Law" (textbook for lectures, . 2 ed., . Yuriev, . 1910).,