Burdin Fedor Alekseevich( Famous actor)
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Biography Burdin Fedor Alekseevich
(1826 - 87), son of a Moscow burgher courtyard landlord Bezobrazov, in 1841, Mr.. entered the Moscow troupe prompter. In 1843, Mr.. Burdin was dismissed for the improvement of talent in the provincial theaters, and in 1846 - 47 years assigned to the Tiflis theater, where in 1847, Mr.. transferred to St. Petersburg, where he enjoyed behind the scenes influence. Giving of it, especially comedy, almost not considered serious criticism, all the unfortunate of other artists A. Grigoryev called "burdinizmom". Receiving 100 thousand in the inheritance after the death of Mr. Farmer General Islands, Burdin make contact in the highest circles, and struck up friendships with powerful manager of St. Petersburg theaters, P.S. Fyodorov. Playing first in vaudeville, Burdin was enrolled in 1858. in the first category of actors and at the same time entered zhiharevsky committee to review new plays. The ability to get along with people with friends Burdina AN. Ostrovsky, who gave him all his new plays for a benefit, and - not without some struggle - those roles to them, which Burdin chose for himself at the expense of the playwright; Burdin was not averse to criticism and works of his famous friend. He gravitated toward the Role comic-arguer, outplayed many winning roles - and no brightly, though all in good faith. In 1883, Mr.. held a benefit award, after which Burdin dismissed. Burdin wrote "The ABC drama", . "Memories of his dramatic career, and published 4 volumes of translated songs, . some of whom had at one time success, . others (eg, . "Thief of children) are placed, and even now, has also facilitated the organization of society Russian Dramatists, . - Wed. "Historical Journal", 1893, t. LIV; "Artist", 1892, N 19. Pav. Ros-in.