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( Genetics, USSR Academy of Sciences (RAS))

Comments for Nikolai DUBININ
Biography Nikolai DUBININ
(4.01.1907 - 27.03.1998)
He was born in Kronstadt sailor in a military family, which took place izkrestyan. My father died in 1918, and NP Dubinin was with his mother vpovolzhskoy village. In 1919, Mr.. away from home, wandering, zatemvospityvalsya in orphanages. High school and graduated in 1923, the biology department of Physics and Mathematics Faculty MoskovskogoUniversiteta - in 1928. Teachers NP Dubinin at the University byliN.K.Koltsov, Chetverikov and Serebrovskii. Since 1927. NP Dubininrabotal at the Moscow Institute of Animal Husbandry in 1929-1931 gg.prepodaval at the Moscow Institute of pigs, while vedyaissledovatelskuyu work in the Biological Institute. Timiryazev in the laboratory AS Serebrovsky. In 1932, Mr.. NP Dubinin was priglashenN.K.Koltsovym, to head the Department of Genetics Institutaeksperimentalnoy Biology (from 1938. - Institute of Cytology, Histology, Embryology Academy of Sciences of the USSR), in which the institute has worked until 1948 g.Odnovremenno in 1932-1938 he. charge of the Department of breeding and genetikiVsesoyuznogo Institute pushno-commodity economy, and in 1938-1948 he. -Department of Genetics, Voronezh State Universiteta.Uchastvoval in discussions with Lysenkoists in 1936 and 1939. in 1946 g.izbran a corresponding member of USSR Academy of Sciences. After the August meeting of Agricultural Sciences 1948. deprived vozmozhnostirabotat in genetics and worked in ornithology sostaveKompleksnoy scientific expedition on polezaschitnogolesorazvedeniya SSSR (1949-1953 gg.). Heading into the mid-50's, the struggle against Lysenko, NP Dubinin in 1956. was able to return to geneticheskimissledovaniyam organized them in the Laboratory of Radiation genetikiInstituta biophysicist USSR. Almost simultaneously, in 1957, NP Dubininpriglashaetsya for the organization of the Institute in Akademgorodok podNovosibirskom. Director of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS onostavalsya until 1960, when it was withdrawn on the orders of Khrushchev. In 1966, . after "rehabilitation" of Genetics, . laboratoriyaradiatsionnoy genetics became the basis for the organization of the Institute obscheygenetiki USSR, . whose director NP Dubinin remained until 1981 in which GI (with a short break in 1986-1990.) prorabotaldo death,
. The Institute of General Genetics, USSR Academy of Sciences istazherov large number of graduate students working under the guidance of NP Dubinin. Among them ostavshiesyav IOGen RAS AP Akifyev, CB Bulaevo, VA Tarasov, VA Shevchenko, atakzhe NOS Alekperov (Azerbaijan), AB Bigaliyev (Kazakhstan), R. K. Lyakyavichus (Lithuania), A.-K.Ergashev (Uzbekistan) and others. NP Dubinin experimentally developed a wide range of problemgenetiki, . and its contribution to the science of heredity only velik.Neobhodimo noted only early manifestation nauchnyhsposobnostey: his main work NP Dubinin made and published, . when he was 22-27 years,
. Mention the most important of his research. V1929-early 30-ies of the material of the gene scute in Drosophila bylaprodemonstrirovana and studied the complex structure of the gene. In 1934-1935 gg.opisan new type of gene effect, received the name of the author. In 1931, 1932. was set the problem of genetic-avtomaticheskihprotsessov in populations. Since the beginning of 30th years NP Dubinin ssotrudnikami studied natural populations of Drosophila, in 1946-1947 gg.opublikoval classic work on the influence of anthropogenic conditions nakariotipicheskuyu variability in populations of one species of fruit flies. V1934 g. received drosophila with the number of chromosomes, experimentally reproducing one of the mechanisms of speciation. In 50-60 years, NP Dubinin worked radiation genetics, B70-90 years. - The problem of mutagens in the environment. In those same years mnogovystupal and wrote on social and biological in prirodecheloveka. NP Dubinin - by more than 20 scientific and popular science books, memoirs and published in 1988. poems. Hero of Socialist Labor (1990).

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  • Alla for Nikolai DUBININ
  • Please send me a photo of Nikolai Petrovich Dubinin. Thank you in advance. Sincerely, Alla.
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    Nikolai DUBININ, photo, biography
    Nikolai DUBININ, photo, biography Nikolai DUBININ  Genetics, USSR Academy of Sciences (RAS), photo, biography
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