Zavarykina Fedor( histologist)
Comments for Zavarykina Fedor
Biography Zavarykina Fedor
(1835 - 1905). He graduated from the course in medical-surgical academy, which took the chair of the normal histology. Proceedings of him: "A new method of determining the mass of blood corpuscles in the blood" (1862, dissertation); "Die Lymphwurzeln inniere des Saugethieres"; "Zur Anat. d. Chylusbahnen im Dunndarme "(St. Petersburg," Bull. de l'Ak. d. Sciences ", t. XVI, 1869), "Guide to the doctrine of human tissues and animals" (St. Petersburg, 1883); "Ueber die Fettresorption im Dunndarme" ( "Pfluger's Arch.", 1883) and many others