Zinoviev, Ivan( Diplomat)
Comments for Zinoviev, Ivan
Biography Zinoviev, Ivan
Born in 1835, Mr.. At the end of the course at the Moscow Institute of Oriental Languages Lazarev, Zinoviev in 1851. joined the Moscow main archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, from which soon moved to the Department of Internal Affairs of the same Ministry. In the Service Zinoviev continued his studies of Oriental languages and in 1855, Mr.. received a master's degree at St. Petersburg University. He has held various diplomatic posts in the East in 1871. appointed diplomatic agent in the Romanian prince and member of the European Danube Commission. In 1876, Mr.. accredited as envoy extraordinary for the Persian Shah. During the trans-Caspian Expedition Zinoviev directed gene. Skobelev in all matters of a political kind and helped harvested within Persia food stocks. In 1881, Mr.. Zinoviev successfully completed negotiations with the Persian Government to hold between Persia and the Trans-Caspian area of such a boundary, which gave Russia the opportunity to complete the pacification of the Turkmen steppes. In 1883, Mr.. Zinoviev was appointed director of the Asian Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in 1887, Mr.. negotiated with the British Commissioner to determine the north-western border of Afghanistan. In 1891, Mr.. Zinoviev was appointed envoy to the King of Swedish and Norwegian. From 1897 to 1909. was ambassador in Constantinople, now a member of the Council of State. His works: "The Afghan distinction" (1886, collection of documents), "Russia, Britain and Persia" (1912, criticism of Anglo-Russian agreement of 1907).