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ALBERT Sinatra Francis

( Musical Performer)

Comments for ALBERT Sinatra Francis
Biography ALBERT Sinatra Francis
Francis Albert Sinatra (December 12, 1915, Hoboken, New Jersey - May 14, 1998, Los Angeles) - American pop singer (baritone) and actor. From the family of Italian immigrants. His singing career began in the same Hoboken in 1936 and by 1937 had his own group "HOBOKENSKAYA Quartet. In 1939 began working at a roadside cafe with jazz, Harry James, and just two weeks after his first performance recorded his first record.

In the years 1940-42 he sang in the orchestra of the famous trombonist Tommy Dorsey, who had a huge impact on the singer: Sinatra learned from him the right dyhyniyu, phrasing, and his performances on radio, the orchestra brought Sinatra coveted fame. 31 December in New York held his solo debut. In 1943-45 the singer several times participated in a national radio program "Your Hit Parade", enjoyed great popularity in the army. Most of the songs of Sinatra at the time - melodic love ballads. From 1943 to 1947 seventeen of his records included in the Top 10.

. But when the war ended and the soldiers returned home, the audience tastes began to change, the company "Columbia", which recorded a singer, began to impose his own repertoire, and Sinatra's popularity has fallen
. In the early 50's he left the "Columbia".

The first film role in the film "Higher and higher" (1943) gave rise to a variety of light music films 1940's. Since the early 1950's the singer's voice temporarily worsened, and he starred in "nepoyuschih" roles, demonstrating the brilliant dramatic ability. For vtoroplanovuyu role in the movie "Now and forever" (From Here To Eternity) received the Oscar.

. In 1953, he signed a contract with "Capitol Records", . began working with arranger Nelson Riddle, . and that meant a new phase in Sinatra's career: he began to write again solo albums, . it reappeared in the singles Top 10, . and work in the film received the highest rating.,

. However, by the end of the decade the singer once again stepped creative crisis, . and in 1961 he resigned from the "Capitol" and created his own campaign, "Reprise" - among the first customers of his firm were Bing Crosby, . Dean Martin and Sammy Davis. (In 1961, he sold his company Warner Bros,
. and became vice-president of film company Warner Brothers Pisture Corp.)

In the mid-60's Sinatra-singer once again soared to the top of the charts. During this time Sinatra sang almost all the known American hits, and the song New York, New York became the unofficial anthem of the American. An exceptional artistic talent, . as well as permanent scandalous rumors about the proximity to the Italian Mafia, . romances and marriages with the most beautiful and famous women of America (Ava Gardner, . Marilyn Monroe, . Cybil Shepard and others) made the name of Sinatra permanent center gossip,
. As a singer as early as 1960 Sinatra made a bold and innovative move first - began to sing along with rock and pop stars. Each record Sinatra was an event. His recording of the song by Paul Anka "My Way" held out the Top 50 entire 122 weeks!

. In 1970, Sinatra declared the that goes from the stage, this event was to celebrate a great gala concert, but in 1973 he changed his mind and began to speak again.

. In 1971, received a humanitarian award named after Gene Hersholta, in 1983 awarded "honors for his life in art" from the Kennedy Center, and in 1985 awarded the highest U.S. civilian award - the Medal "Freedom"
. Son of the singer became a music manager, and daughter - a singer.

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ALBERT Sinatra Francis, photo, biography
ALBERT Sinatra Francis, photo, biography ALBERT Sinatra Francis  Musical Performer, photo, biography
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