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Anatoly Kulikov

( State Duma Deputy)

Comments for Anatoly Kulikov
Biography Anatoly Kulikov
Born September 4, 1946 in the village Aygursky Apanasenkovskij district, Stavropol Krai, Russian.
. In 1966 graduated with honors from Ordzhonikidze Higher Military Command School of Interior Ministry troops to the USSR (until 1966 called the Military School of the Ministry of Public Order), in 1974 - with honors from the Military Academy
. M. V. Frunze, in 1990 - with honors from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR.
. Doctor of Economic Sciences.
. In the internal troops passed through all the command positions from platoon leader to commander of the Interior Troops of Russia.
. From 1990 to November 1992 - Head of Interior Affairs of the USSR in the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia
. In late 1992, appointed Head of the Office of operational and special motorized units MVD RF. Since 1992 - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs.
November 30, 1994 was included in the group management action to disarm armed gangs in Chechnya. 1 February 1995 he was appointed Commander of Joint Force Russia Army forces in the Chechen Republic.
6 July 1995 was appointed Minister of Internal Affairs. Dismissed March 23, 1998.
. Until November 6, 1995 - Member of the Council for the Cossacks under the RF President.
. On July 25, 1996 - Member of the Council of Defense.
. August 16, 1996 Russia's Security Council Secretary Alexander Lebed called Kulikova main culprit of the Chechen crisis, accusing him of inconsistency in the service, as well as in organizing surveillance by the chairman Sat
. On August 21, 1996 Kulikov - Head of the operational staff at the Plenipotentiary of the President in the Chechen Republic.
. October 15, 1996 A
. Swan called A. Kulikova responsible for the delivery of Grozny in August 1996, Chechen separatists. October 16, 1996 Kulikov accused A. Lebed, in an attempt to seize power by armed force.
January 24, 1997 Basmannyy People's Court of Moscow satisfied the claim of a. Kulikova to A. Lebed and the weekly "Arguments and facts" about the protection of honor and dignity.
July 9, 1997 Kuntsevskiy Moscow Court accepted a claim for defamation A. Kulikova to A. Swan at the last interview with The Associated Press. In an interview with Lebed said that "until we have a criminal Interior Minister, the mafia will be hiding under his roof, and those who must fight it, organizes it."
. February 4, 1997 he was appointed Deputy Prime Minister.
. Since May 1998 - Senior Researcher, Institute for Socio-Political Research.
. In November 1998, became the organizer of a public movement "Warrior of the Fatherland, was elected chairman of the movement.
. On June 7, 1999 - Member of the Expert Council under the RF Government.
. 19 December 1999 was elected to the State Duma of the third convocation.
. He has state awards.
. Hobbies - woodwork, and firing of all weapons.
. Wife, Valentina, in teacher education
. The eldest son, Sergei, graduated from the Leningrad Military Command School, served in ZGV and the North Caucasus Military District, had fought in Chechnya. Youngest son, Vitaly, - students of the Military Engineering Academy of strategic rocket forces them. Dzerzhinsky. Daughter Natalia. Granddaughter Alexandra.

Curriculum Vitae available IPC "Panorama"

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Anatoly Kulikov, photo, biography
Anatoly Kulikov, photo, biography Anatoly Kulikov  State Duma Deputy, photo, biography
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