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Butler, Matthew Kelbrayt (Matthew Calbraith Butler)

( Major-General, the trooper)

Comments for Butler, Matthew Kelbrayt (Matthew Calbraith Butler)
Biography Butler, Matthew Kelbrayt (Matthew Calbraith Butler)
(March 6, 1836 - 1909)
At Brandy Station Butler lost his right leg and was sent home for treatment, that has not stopped him in September 1863 to take the title of brigadier general.
Maj. Matthew Kelbrayt Butler was born on 6 th March 1836, Mr.. near Greenville, South Carolina, the son of a naval doctor and congressman William Butler. His grandfather, General Wu. Butler, a renowned hero of the War of Independence. Matthew Butler received his law degree in South Carolina College and in 1857 began the practice of law. The following year he married Mary Pickens, daughter of the governor of South Carolina. In 1860, Mr.. Butler was elected to the state legislature, but with the beginning of the Civil War volunteered for the famous Hampton Legion and received the rank of captain of cavalry. July 21 of that year, thanks to their heroic actions during the 1 st Battle of Manassas, Butler became a Major and began a brilliant career in the Army of Northern Virginia.
. During the Confederate retreat from Yorktown Butler commanded a cavalry legion Hampton, . reporting directly to Stuart, . and in August 1862, . After fighting at Williamsburg, . his colonels fired in the 2 nd South Carolina Cavalry Regiment Brigade Hampton,
. In this rank Butler participated in the 2 nd Battle of Manassas and Maryland campaigns, drawing the admiration of personal courage and tactical talent, especially evident in the fighting at Monokasskogo bridge and along the Chembersbergskogo raid Stewart. He also commanded the main forces of the brigade during an expedition Damfri in December 1862. and in the Battle of Brandy Station in June 1863. At Brandy Station Butler lost his right leg and was sent home for treatment, that has not stopped him in September 1863 to take the title of brigadier general.
. Upon his return to order was replaced by Wade Hampton Butler as commander of a brigade, and in that capacity distinguished himself in the fall campaign in 1863 and in subsequent battles in Uayldernesse and Spotsilveynia
. In defensive battles against Sheridan's cavalry at Richmond Butler becomes the heroic figure of status, and not only in the South. Sheridan paid tribute to the talent of Butler in his report, written after the battles at Houiz Shop and Cold Harbor. In the battle of Trevilien Station Butler commanded the division throughout Hampton, . his dismounted cavalry, . defending the most important parts of a confederal Front, . repulsed several strong attacks soldiers Sheridan, . than their own forces in several,
. In September 1864 Matthew Kelbrayt Butler became a Major General, and in the spring of 1865 led a small incomplete cavalry division in the battles against Sherman in the Carolinas. During the evacuation of Colombia Butler commanded the army aregardom Hardy, fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Confederate cavalry genius Joe Wheeler and Wade Hampton.
. After the war, Butler found himself in financial difficulty, however, continued its occupation policy and advocacy by confronting the destructive federal policies of Reconstruction in South Carolina
. That Butler is largely ensured the election of a former commander of Wade Hampton for governor of the state. In 1876 Butler was elected to the Senate of the United States, which sparked a wave included in the history of violent protests by the Yankees and their supporters. During his 18-year career in the Senate, Butler is remembered not only protect the interests of the native state, but its role in the creation of a strong navy and civil service reform. In March 1895, he left the Senate and took the bar in Washington, . DC, . but in 1898, . When the Spanish-American War, . He joined the army, . was promoted to major general of volunteers and took part in the hostilities against the Spaniards in Cuba,
. After the conclusion of peace Butler was a member of the commission to monitor the evacuation of Spanish troops from the island.

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  • TE Reynolds for Butler, Matthew Kelbrayt (Matthew Calbraith Butler)
  • Check out my website... you may be interested in my historical fiction.. My main character serves with MC Butler in the 2nd SC Cavalry and later becomes his friend.
  • TE Reynolds for Butler, Matthew Kelbrayt (Matthew Calbraith Butler)
  • www.fromtheseashes.com
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    Butler, Matthew Kelbrayt (Matthew Calbraith Butler), photo, biography
    Butler, Matthew Kelbrayt (Matthew Calbraith Butler), photo, biography Butler, Matthew Kelbrayt (Matthew Calbraith Butler)  Major-General, the trooper, photo, biography
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