Walter Alexander Petrovich( Russian anatomist and physiologist)
Comments for Walter Alexander Petrovich
Biography Walter Alexander Petrovich
Born in 1817, first studied in Revel. In January 1836, Walter entered the University of Dorpat on the philosophy faculty, but then switched to medical. At the end of the course, Walter went abroad and studied in Berlin with the famous anatomist and physiologist Johannes Mueller, and then in Vienna in Patrubana, Berresa and rokitansky. In 1843, Mr.. Walter, on the recommendation of NI. Pirogov, with whom he was a student and member of a special commission (Spassky, Baer, Zagorskogo, Marcus and others), has been appointed the duties of associate in the department of physiological anatomy and microscopy at the University of Kiev St.. Vladimir, and in 1846, Mr.. chosen extraordinary professor in the same department. Then Walter was a full professor and in charge of the anatomical theater of the Kiev University from 1843 to 1867, Mr.. In 1867, Mr.. Walter left the university, but in 1869. was again appointed supernumerary professor of anatomy. In 1874,. He just left university and was appointed medical inspector of the Warsaw civilian hospitals. Its main works: "Course anatomy of the human body" (1 ed. 1852; 2 pub. 1855); "Thermophysiologische Studien" ( "Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. ", 1865)," The course of practical and applied anatomy of the human body "(No.. 1 st and 2 nd, Kiev, 1870 - 72). From 1860 to 1881. Walter published the magazine "Modern Medicine", mostly consisting of his own articles.