Gusev Matthew Matveyevich( Russian astronomer)
Comments for Gusev Matthew Matveyevich
Biography Gusev Matthew Matveyevich
(1826 - 1866); after completing the course in the University of Kazan in 1847, Mr.. made a conservative university museums and lectured on physics and physical geography. In 1850, Mr.. moved from Kazan to Pulkovo, where he studied practical astronomy under the guidance of director of the Pulkovo Observatory, VY. Struve and in 1851. already participated in the expedition, equipped for monitoring in Berdyansk total solar eclipse. In 1852, Mr.. appointed assistant, and in 1854 director of the Observatory of Vilna, where he organized a systematic photography of sunspots. Prolonged illness forced him to go for treatment abroad; way Gusev died. In addition to articles of a special content: "Ueber die Gestalt des Mondes", "Beitrag zur Untersuchung der eigenen Bewegung d. Fixsterne "etc., Gusev is known as a translator III (astronomical) volume" Cosmos "of Humboldt and publisher of the Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences" in Vilnius. See. "Viertljahrschrift d. Astron Gesellschaft "(1867). V. V. In.