KOGAN Petr Semenovich( Writer)
Comments for KOGAN Petr Semenovich
Biography KOGAN Petr Semenovich
He was born in 1872. He graduated from the course of History and Philology of Moscow University. Consists assistant professor in the department of the Petrograd University of Western European Literature. With the success of public lectures on contemporary literature in Moscow and the provinces. Its main works: "Essays on the history of Western Literature" (M., . 1903 - 1910, 6 th edition, . 1911), "Essays on the history of modern Russian literature" (ib., . 1908 - 1912), "Essays on the history of ancient literature" (M., . 1907, 3rd edition, . 1912); "Belinsky and his time" (ib., . 1911), . "Belinsky" (ib., . 1911), "The Philosophy of Belinsky" (ib., . 1911), "Textbook on the history of Western literature" (ib., . 1912), "Readings on the history of Western literature" (ib., . 1911), "The experience of the historical anthology of Western European literature" (ib., . 1904), . Consists of a staff member of this dictionary. The enemy of modernism and aesthetics, Kogan crucial in the course of literary trends and sentiments attached economically birth element and in this sense can be counted among the supporters of the literary Marxism.