Lvov Mikhail( Chemist)
Comments for Lvov Mikhail
Biography Lvov Mikhail
He was assistant professor and head of the chemical laboratory of the St. Petersburg University, where under his leadership, developed by his students a lot of chemicals so. Read inorganic chemistry at the University for Women and Technology Institute in Petrograd. Its main works: "On the isomerism crotonic acid" ( "Journal of the Russian Chemical Society", . 1870), . On saturated hydrocarbons with five units of coal in "(ibid., . 1870), . "Notes on the new amyl bromide" (ibid., . 1880), . "The general reaction scheme of double expansions and isomeric transformations" (ibid., . minutes of the meeting May 3, 1884), . Edited posthumous edition п?.п?. Butlerova: "Introduction to a complete study of organic chemistry" (1887).