Science August Karlovic (Nauck)( Philologist)
Comments for Science August Karlovic (Nauck)
Biography Science August Karlovic (Nauck)
(1822 - 1892). Attracted the attention of philologists first for his work (for example: "Aristophanis grammatici fragmentum Parisinum", 1845; "Aristophanis Byzantii grammatici Alexandrini fragmenta", Halle, 1848). In 1859, Mr.. Sciences moved to Petersburg, where he was full professor of Greek language and literature at the Institute of History and Philology, lecturing in Latin. In 1861, Mr.. Sciences elected a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Science study relate mainly Homer, Hesiod, Euripides, Babri, Phaedra and Porfiry. In all his works of Sciences is one of the first Hellenists of recent times, especially in the area konekturalnoy criticism of texts. Its main works: edition of Euripides (t. I and II, Leipzig, 1854, 3rd ed., 1877; t. III [Samples], . 1863); collection of excerpts of the Greek tragedians "Tragicorum Graecorum fragmenta" (1855, 2 ed., . 1889); "Euripideische Studien" (St. Petersburg, . 1859 - 62); "Kritische Bemerkungen" (in "Melanges grecoromains", . St.Petersburg, . 1860 - in 1880); "Jamblichi de vita Pythagorica liber" (St. Petersburg, . 1884); "Johannis Damasceni canones iambici" (St. Petersburg, . 1894), . He also owned a brief but very informative course and the metric set (about 50), a small but important works of classical philology, placed in the German professional journals and newsletters of our academy. - Wed. PV. Nikitin, "Science" ( "Journal of the Ministry of National Education", 1893, I); Th. Zielinski "August Nauck" (1894).