Nikolay Nevzorov Kesarievich( Writer)
Comments for Nikolay Nevzorov Kesarievich
Biography Nikolay Nevzorov Kesarievich
(1848 - 1904), a pupil of the Kazan Theological Academy, was a director of the St. Petersburg 7-th school. Its main works: "Guiding types and educational element in works of Russian literature after Gogol" (Kazan, 1883), "VA. Zhukovsky "(ib., 1883)," IS. Turgenev and his recent works: "Poems in Prose" and "Clara Milich" (ib., 1883), "PI. Melnikov (Andrew Crypt) "(ib., 1883)," Russian art literature in the beginning of the current (XIX) century and its development in the face KN. Batiushkov "(Saint-Petersburg, . 1888), . "Methodological guidance on the teaching of literature in the theological seminaries" (ib., . 1893), . "From a travel teaching notes on the schools in Germany, . France, . Italy and Austria "(ib., . 1896), . "Problems of the Russian School" (ib., . 1897), . "By biographies A.S, . Pushkin "(ib., 1899)," Jubilee collection of historical and literary articles on A.S. Pushkin "(ib., 1899)," NV. Gogol "(ib., 1907)," Norwegian teachers about education "(ib., 1904)," On teaching the Russian language "(ib., 1904).