Born in Moscow, 29.04.59, October 1991. live in
. Germany.
. Since 1996 member of the Writers' Union of Germany.
. Two-act plays, one act, monologues, screenplays to
. children's films newsreel Yeralash.
. Publishers Drei Masken Verlag, Munich and Chronos Verlag,
. Hamburg, acquire copyright for distribution
. in German-speaking countries in various plays, among them:
. "Hurricane," "stuffy night," "What's your name", "The Cabinet
. doctor, "" Two friends "," top ".
. The performances in Russia, Germany, Bulgaria, the United States.
. Literary prizes:
. 2002 Grant for literature, Notgemeinschaft der
. Deutschen Kunst eV, Berlin
. 2000 piece "And the ashes of our dispel the ground ..."
. reaches the final stage in the international competition
. playwrights Jakob-Michael-Reinhold-Lenz-Preis der Stadt
. Jena 2000;
. 2000 Grant for literature, Alfred-Dblin-Stipendium,
. Academy of Arts, Berlin;
. 1999 Grant for literature, Notgemeinschaft der
. Deutschen Kunst eV, Berlin;
. 1998 Grant for the literature of Lower Saxony,
. Germany;
. 1996 Grant for the literature of Lower Saxony,
. Germany;
. 1992 Participation in the conference of playwrights in YU.O 'Neal
. Theater Center, United States, showing the play "top" with
. American actors;
. 1991 piece "Spinner" at a workshop in dramatists
. Shchelykovo elected president of South
. O'Neill Center for
show in America;
For all questions relating to any use of
texts of plays to contact the author at: