Gorin, Boris Anatlevich Goryainov( Russian actor)
Comments for Gorin, Boris Anatlevich Goryainov
Biography Gorin, Boris Anatlevich Goryainov
Gorin-Goryainov, Boris A. (cf.. name - Goryainov) (1883-1944), Russian actor. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1935). Born 6 (19) November 1883, the son of comic actor A.M.Gorina-Goryainova The greatest of Petersburg amateur scenes. Donate a career in an official scene, Gorin-Goryainov Sr. prefer to work in the province - first as an artist, and then trying his hand at art antreprenerskom. Together with artists Lenny and Kazan entreprise organized in St. Petersburg, cultivating an easy genre. Gorin-Goryainov Jr. graduated from the Faculty of St. Petersburg University (1904), the student acted poluprofesionalnyh plays in clubs and suburban theaters.
Season 1904-1905 Gorin-Goryainov played in Kiev, entreprise M. Beard, and in the summer received an invitation S. Bragin of Caucasian Mineral waters. Here he played a role Izyumova in the play "Avdotya life" with S. Najdenova VF Komissarzhevkoy, received an invitation to join the troupe Komissarzhevskaya. However, it soon came to Mineral waters LB Yavorskaya (by this time of her 'New Theater' has left many of the leading artists), and paying a fine Komissarzhevskaya, has signed a contract with Gorin-Goryainova. Since 1908 over two seasons, Gorin-Goryainov served in the troupe FE Korsch (Moscow).
In 1910, Gorin-Goryainov met at the Caucasian Mineral waters with M. Savina, and the actress invited him to debut at the Alexandrinsky Theater. After talks with the director of the Imperial Theaters, VA Telyakovsky (1860-1924) Gorin-Goryainov in the autumn of 1911 became an actor Alexandrinsky Theater (as the debut were played two roles - Balagalaev in "Breakfast at the marshal" Turgenev and Khlestakov in Gogol's "Inspector"), . where is the end of life, . The repertoire of the actor at the beginning of his work were comedies, vaudeville, but the stubborn attraction to dramatic roles, Gorin-Goryainova leads eventually to a different repertoire. His best roles are Cyrano (Cyrano de Bergerac "by E. Rostand), . Ostergauzen ( "Gentlemen" A.Sumbatova-Yuzhin), . Armand Duval ( "La Dame aux Camelias" by A. Dumas), . Milovzorov ( "Guilty Without Guilt" by Alexander Ostrovsky), . Ferdinand and von Kalb ( "Intrigue and Love" Fr.Shillera), . Vaska Ashes ( "On the bottom" Gorky), . At Alexandrinsky Theater and revealed a remarkable comic talent, combined with refined psychological skill (Raspluev in Krechinsky's Wedding, . Tarelkin in "Death of Tarelkin A.V.Suhovo-Kobylin, . Figaro in The Marriage of Figaro by Beaumarchais P., . Scapa Flow in the "tricks Scapa", . Sganarelle in "Don Juan" Moliere, .
After the revolution of the best theatrical works Gorin-Goryainova included such roles as academic е?д?czyca ( "Soldiers") and Dubrovin-father ( "The Fiery Bridge", both pieces B. Romashova) Gulyachkin ( "Mandate" N. Erdman). Acted in films ( "lame sir," Lieutenant Kije "). Author of several books memoir, which depicted portraits of contemporary artists - KA Varlamov, MV п?п°п?я?я?п?пЎпЁпЎ, I. Pevtsov, P. Samoilova and other manners of provincial and metropolitan theaters. Peru Gorin-Goryainova also belongs to a novel about the great Russian artist Fyodor Volkov, which shows a whole era of Russian theater. Second (unfinished) novel, an artist dedicated to an outstanding actor I. Dmitrevsky. Both novels were to become part of the cycle on the history of national theater, built over the fate of specific artists.
Died Gorin-Goryainov in Leningrad, 15 April 1944.