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( Russian poet)

Comments for PANCHENKO Nikolai
Biography PANCHENKO Nikolai
Panchenko, Nikolay (p. 1924), Russian poet. Born April 9, 1924 in Kaluga, a family of teachers of mathematics, the hereditary military. The atmosphere of a small town, . so many who gave the world culture (enough to remember the names of Tsiolkovsky, . A. Chizhevskogo, . P. Filonova), . certainly, . effect on the identity of the poet, . subsequently, even in inscriptions on the books of poetry, he would sometimes call themselves 'Nicholas Kaluga',
. Composing Panchenko began at age eight, and the first publication, see the light in the Kaluga newspaper, refers to 1938. He published during the war in military newspapers.

At the front Panchenko was from 1942 to 1945, served in the infantry, then in parts, the servicing airfields, was twice wounded. Military experience, reflected in his work, crystallized his personality. The war, the moral duty to the motherland, the inevitable test of humanity, the stability of the human mind, able to withstand even a choice - one of the most important themes in his creative. However, whatever topic he may choose, for whatever they thought in verse, all of this falls the shadow of his main themes.

Life after the victory, as it appears in the books Panchenko, a gift for which pay and physical pain and spiritual. It is argued in the poem "The Ballad of the heart shot" (1944). The lyrical hero speaks of enemies and himself: 'They are crosses / and the shadow of Christ, / in me - neither God nor the cross: / - Kill him! - /, And kill, / walk, horseshoes ringing. / I know: the heart decreases. / Not at all my heart '. And soon he will have to go from house to house begging, just begging for alms as beggars, the heart, for it 'in his every shot: put a piece of the heart'. It is unlikely that someone else could comfort the phrase: 'in sparing the postwar world / all issued in the heart bleeds'.

Love, nature - that should heal the war-wounded soul. Characteristically, these themes will also remain important throughout the entire career of the poet, even if they take a different vowel. For example, the love turn into a drama of separation, painful experience of care of a loved one, the more painful that the merger was complete, the coincidence of two people - 'do not we parted friends, not enemies / we just like boots with one leg'. World forests and wetlands is a country where you can withdraw from the world and people, cruel and unjust: 'What - snow is not snow - fresh drink, / and the forest is not the forest - the forgotten house'. Further reasons for the newly evolving and vary.

But the division of his poetry in the early and late, if not suspended (he, of course, changed with time), it was not lawfully. Because of the purely external reasons, almost none of the collections of verse does not reflect reality in a poetic world Panchenko. It was useless to think about the publication of numerous poems, . subjects whose aphoristic or deliberately shocking language ( 'we have captured gonorrhea / straight into the lair of the enemy'), . full of sharp details, . often passing the brink of naturalism ( 'Along the train protrude sosuli - / Molded beard urine'),
. New poems in author's edition saw the light only in the collection "Autumn Noise" (1990). Speech was not about any departure in itself: the poet published in magazines and newspapers, . By nature he figure, . public-spirited, . besides having experienced understandable euphoria of climate change in the society (not for nothing that two of his earlier books are landmark titles as "warmth" and "Lyrical offensive"), . he tried to implement in practice, the possible transformation,
. Provide them with literary association and club 'Torch' on the background of the then life became a bright phenomenon

. Tried several professions (editor in chief of the Kaluga regional newspaper 'The young Leninist', . working at the factory), . Panchenko, in 1961 became editor of the Kaluga book publishers, . where he soon came the famous book "Tarusa page, . one of the initiators and the actual compilation of which was Panchenko (in the output he had been on the editorial board),
. Sharp orgvyvody that followed the appearance of the collection, touched it only partly.

In 1961 the poet settled in Moscow. Here he worked in 'Komsomolskaya Pravda', he studied at the Higher literary courses at the Union of Soviet Writers. After 1965, when Panchenko signed a collective letter in defense of Yu and Daniel A. Sinyavsky, came a long period during which it is not published. Along with studies of literary translation, he worked with the budding author in literary associations and studios.

In the collections of 1970-1980-ies love lyrics - not so much poetry, full of strong emotions, as reflections on the nature of love, the inevitable connection gains and losses, inscribed in the history of the world. Nature is losing more and more realistic features, acquiring mythological features: 'Behind stozhok forest, glade, / Los passed - / and not so long ago, - / As if the two goat-footed Pan / carried on the shoulder of a log'.

By this time, finally forming a system of key images used by the poet, and some are images, allegories, typical for the whole romantic poetry 1960-1970-ies, its democratic wings. The concept is unambiguous: the poet, curator and champion of truth, as opposed to all sorts of 'oprichniks' and 'the king's cronies' - 'rangers' y Panchenko and A. Galic, 'groom' y Okudzhava. Many of the poems Panchenko perceived as publicist allegory. Similar to the head of billiard balls in the eponymous poem, which 'verified cue' sends, like soldiers in the West - is, of course, the people, no wonder they are inherent in human desire - to rest, be silent. Allegories look and poems on historical themes, which again brings Panchenko with such poets as Okudzhava.

New period of the poet's life began with the next surge in public life, culminating fundamental changes in society. Panchenko is not only with poems, . but with his articles, . wrote prose (some stories have been published in 1960, . but on Panchenko-writer too early to judge), . is the second edition of the almanac "Tarusa page, . for various reasons did not see the light,
. Panchenko - one of the initiators and founders of the socio-political movement 'April'.

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PANCHENKO Nikolai, photo, biography
PANCHENKO Nikolai, photo, biography PANCHENKO Nikolai  Russian poet, photo, biography
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