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( Figure skater, pair skating)

Photo Gallery Roman S. KOSTOMAROV (24)
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Biography Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
KOSTOMAROV Roman Sergeevich was born in Moscow on February 8, 1977. Skating stood at 9 years, because it is like to play sports, but gymnastics was too late in age, but in setsiyu navigation for some reason did not take.

Family Kostomarov lived in Tekstilshchiki - Roman with his younger brother and parents: mother - a cook, father - electrician. Plain, ordinary family. Familiar Romina mother worked as a doctor in the Ice Palace AZLK. It was she who helped to attach it to the theater on ice. Skate, he really did not know how, but the deal started with enthusiasm and soon appeared on the New elkah - played Snegovichkov and Morozik.

Two years later Roma accidentally saw at the rink Lidiya Karavaeva, became his first coach. She had a daughter - Katja Davidova, which was engaged in figure skating. Roman offered to be with her in a couple, he did not object. Karavaeva couple guardians, drove everywhere, saw off AS Roma to the subway after evening classes, during breaks between workouts took to his home for dinner.

For a long time, Roman was very sorry that did not become singles skater. After dancing - this is a real Santa Barbara: intrigue, passion, fights, all sorts of intricacies. The hardest part - the relationship between the partner, partner and coach. Judge for yourself: 10 years old Roma skated with Katya Davydova, already well aware of her, understood without words, in 1996 they won the Junior World Championships, that is achieved good results. And suddenly at the end of the season a new coach Natalia Linichuk calls Kostomarov and offers a pair with another skater - Tania Navka, to fly with her to America and train there.

Novel was dumbfounded, confused. But Natalia has continued to convince, pledged that he and Tanya is waiting for a big future. While all this sounds tempting, a future champion for a long time did not agree.

Rome was 21 years old, and he could not decide on such a serious step as a departure from Russia - in the dark, without money. It seemed madness In addition, Tanya seemed to him an adult, although it is higher than just two years. But while Navka was plump girl, and Roma next to her felt like a boy-junior.

As a result, the skater still persuaded, and in 1998 he was in the States, in Delaware. Year they Tanya fingerprints, and suddenly, like a bolt from the sky, Natalia for some reason decided to 'break' them. Suddenly came to Roman after the regular workout and said: 'Roma, you are a good pair Navka. But the best for you will be Anya Semenovich. With it, you really will achieve 'gold'! " Also, she once broke a pair of Ilia Averbukh and Marina Anissina. Well how Roma could not hear such a prominent person? Linichuk because really a great coach - has worked with many couples, it was a great experience, his vision of who should ride with someone. Of course, he could not listen to her opinion. Roma should have said to his partner: 'We are not the same characters. I do not want and I will not ride with you, I've decided! " What to do - said. As zombie, do not really explained, simply saying: 'We do not fit together, I want to ride with Semenovich'. Of course, Tanya is a shock, because everything happened so suddenly. And Natalia pretended that she such a turn had not expected - beautifully played. As a result, Tanya, ride a week, realized that to go on the ice she no longer make sense.

Very soon Navka Zhulin, and moved to New York and waited for Ani Roman Semenovich, who two weeks came from Russia, and began to ride with her. Linichuk provided for Russian free ice, where she was coached not only his own pair, but the Americans - for the money. While Russia's overseas school skating appreciated, tried to entice me to our experts. For Russian skaters in Delaware rented a small five-room villa, it was called "Russian house". They lived Roman Kostomarov, Ilya Averbukh and Ira Lobacheva, Oleg Ovsyannikov with Angelika Krylova ... Romц?n was paid $ 150 per month.

Naturally, the possibility of a penny skater had - all the forces took away the daily hours of training, there was only one day off - Saturday. So often had to fend in the 'McDonald's'. He went even eat in university dining halls - the athletes were given a special card. Hello Oleg helped him with Angela - dovozili to the rink. In their car, they traveled for five minutes and walk Roma was half an hour.

In the Olympic champions prepared Ilya Averbukh and Ira Lobacheva and Kostomarov was so, a trifle, so none of it particularly thought. By the way, Semenovich this "Russian house" with the skaters not lived. All expenses paid for by her then-Ani boyfriend. He was a wealthy man and occasionally came to her in America.

Initially, a Roma and Anya all went well. She - a bright personality, temperamental, but after a while Roman felt that their partner on the ice prevalent emotions. He started to give the impression that as a figure skater, she did not want to develop. Between them increasingly began to burn disputes turning into scandals. Later in the press even claimed that he came up and battering, but it's all nonsense. Can you imagine what would have happened if the Roman struck his partner in America?

He also wrote a lot about Romina problems with alcohol. Especially after he fell during the Grand Prix in St. Petersburg. Then came the publication with the headline: "Drunken Kostomarov izvalyalsya on Ice '. Roman with Anya on the winners of the competitions began, took third place and took part in the demonstration performances. As stupid at a party on the eve of Roman miscalculated their strength, so the ice could not cohere, and as a result of actually fell. At the fall of a show room with Semenovich and ended, but it was an isolated case.

In an interview, Anna Semenovich said that in training with Kostomarov was terrible op! But the novel is considered that the sport is difficult to achieve good results without clarifying relations. A figure skating - very diligent, hard work. Clashes occur constantly: 'I'm right' - 'No, I'm right! " Each opinion. All in the family.

Roma and with Tania Navka often in conflict: they spoke without mincing words that they think about each other, and with training Roma were driven ... But it's all working points. It is unlikely that someone managed without it. While Tanya is also a man of character, she always knew how to pull themselves together, and with it won wisdom. As a result, Roma Tanya found a common language.

With Semenovich this did not happen, they became silver medalist Russia, but at the world championships were only 13 th place. At the European championships - 10-mi. A year later, Roman finally realized that they absolutely do not match and the ideal option - it's still couple with Tania Navka.

One day he decided to find Tanya. He knew that she had already had a child - their daughter with Zhulin was six weeks. But he did not know their New York co-ordinates. He called on Ukraine Tanya's mother, asked for a phone number, daughter. In touch with Tanya and candidly told the whole truth, frankly explained why in fact stopped her ride. Navka not believe her ears, she could not even imagine that it all happened on the initiative of Linichuk. 'She was crying on my chest! " - Only repeating Tanya.

Roma asked her popprobovat to work together again, she promised to think. Just three days later Navka consented. It was clear that the train with Linichuk they can not, and then for them took Zhulin.

Roma moved to New York, New Jersey.

Of course, it hurt Semenovich. Ugly situation got. A long time at all she said nothing, and then phoned, saying only: "Anya, I'm sorry '.

Conditions in New Jersey were even worse than in Delaware. The novel had brought with him two bags of things and a farthing of money - his parents had lived in Moscow for one salary, and ask for help from them, he would not, yet he has already turned 23 пЁпЎпЄп°. And their savings were.

The first month perekantovyvalsya Tanya and Sasha. Zhulin Since that time coached the Americans, he earned decent fees. They had a comfortable, nice house. Zhulin he just made, but Roma could not be their permanent idler, for him it was totally unacceptable. Besides training took away so many nerves, that see each other in addition to the ice did not want to completely. And he slid. Its sheltered Ari Zakarian - agent Evgeny Plushenko.

Month, he stayed with him in the attic - without an air conditioner, the air mattress. Then Roma settled to her Olympic champion in single skating Oksana Baiul - a person who always helps everyone.

She herself suggested: 'Rum, enough for you huddle in the attic. Come to me, to stay on the couch, you'll sleep like a human '. And Kostomarov began to live in her very beautiful two-room apartment in New Jersey - Oksana gave him a room.

This went on for half year. I moved to New York, New Jersey.

Oksana lived his life: some shooting, the constant participation in ice shows. In Roman from morning to night were training. When Baiul appeared boyfriend, to remain in the house Oksana for Roman is no longer possible, and he slid down from her. Sat down to one friend skater. He is also Russian, but skated for Japan with a Japanese girl. Within three years they have slept with him on the floor on mattresses. They did not even TV.


Love story of Roman Kostomarov and Julia Lautovoy started a month before departure to America, Romina. He was 21 years, Julia has just turned 17 years old. They met at a skating rink, a sports complex "Olympic". She was a singles skater, a student Helena Anatolyevna Tchaikovsky. Between them broke out a large, bright, bright feeling. I kept it for a long time. However, over the past four years they communicated mostly by phone only. Roma constantly phoned her from America. Although the negotiations went a lot of money, do not call, he could not. Once interrupted - worked, then gave. Julia was very difficult to endure separation, he is also terribly worried.

They met in the main competitions in various countries, and in those few months when the Roma came to vacation in Russia. If Julia was flying at some soccer in America through New York, he breaks between workouts raced to the airport, just to see her at least half an hour.

Finally, they decided to get married. The wedding was played in Moscow in June 2004. We invited a lot of people, people 80. And Zhenya Plushenko, Navka and Zhulin with ... They were convinced that their relationship was tested for strength, and did not doubt his feelings.

Julia, not having achieved considerable success in figure skating, throwing sports and came to live with the novel in America. He had already won the world championship in Dortmund, and could afford to rent their own apartments.

Problems began a year of living together. Julia did not suit what he paid her little attention. Roma then focused on a single goal: go to the Olympic 'gold', and it was not until then. But with his wife because of this increasingly disputes began to arise, come endless explanation of the relationship. And the most unpleasant was that they could not find a compromise. Roma is the most irritating. Hassle enough, and on the ice, and the scandals of his house, just finished.

I hate all this on no strength neither he nor Julia, and eventually they parted. Both understand that gone are the feelings that overwhelmed them a few years ago ... The decision to divorce was mutual.

In 2006 Roman gladly returned to Russia, but finally chop off the ends with America did not - he nevertheless obtained a green card.

But today want to live in Russia. He has a girlfriend - Oksana Domnina, a talented 23-year-old figure skater. She was born in Kirov, eight years ago, arrived in Moscow. He appears in a pair with Maxim Shabalin.

They Oksana know each other a long time, their relationship began in 2001 when they traveled together to Russia, acting in the show Ilia Averbukh 'Ice Symphony'. We went in some buses, trains, lived in the same hotel. And one day, moving from one city to another, suddenly sat down beside him and talked. Roma as a magnet drawn to Oksana. Soon they realized that very fit, the same characters complement each other. Oksana good-natured, gentle, always ready to help, Roma tries to support her throughout.
They began to live together.

Roma are not flinging money right and left - they battered him always difficult, because anything in life, he reached his labor.

Marry again Roma in no hurry, especially since Oksana until all suits. They love each other, it is - the main.


Honored master of sports (figure skating, ice dancing).

Champion of Russia (2003, 2004). Silver (2000-2002) and bronze (1997, 1999) championships medalist Russia.

European Champion (2004, 2005). Bronze medalist European Championship (2003).

World champion (2004, 2005). In 2004 the World Figure Skating Championships in Dortmund (Germany), Tatiana Navka and Roman Kostomarov first became world champions in ice dancing.

Winner (2004, 2005) and silver medalist (2003) finals in the Grand Prix.
He appears in a pair with T. Navka (in 1999 and 2001). Earlier, speaking with E. Davydova (1997) and A. Semenovich (2000).

In 2006, together with Tatiana Navka became Olympic champions in Turin.

Photos of Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • Roman Kostomarov and Julia Lautova
  • Roman Kostomarov and Julia Lautova
  • Roman Kostomarov and Julia Lautova
  • Roman Kostomarov and Anna Semenovich
  • Roman Kostomarov and Tania Navka
  • Tania Navka, Roman Kostomarov and Julia Lautova
  • Roman Kostomarov and Chulpan Khamatova
  • Roman Kostomarov and Chulpan Khamatova
  • Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina

Photos of Roman S. KOSTOMAROV

User comments
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  • Olga for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • After the show, Stars on Ice in particular drew attention to you! General fan of figure skating a long time! But as an actor in a greater extent due rasskrylsya show, . byb here can not bear such a burden in the sense that you have to win! On the ice a real man, . Do not know how in life, . but in your hands partner not afraid, . that's for sure! And the fact that the show Tatiana Tarasova so compress, . is the contrast makes the greatest love of your pair! Since you wrestlers, we would live roobschatsya, . but ... but there is always hope! And if the good dream, . dreams come true!:),
  • Andrew Gaidash for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • Hi Roman. I am very pleased to look at your performances. I want to have tokogo friend like you. I'm from Ukraine.
  • Andrew Gaidash for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • Hi Roman. I really like your performances. I want to learn how you and the mother of a friend like you. I myself from the Ukraine.
  • tani for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • Welcome and good luck to all!
  • Olga for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • Hi Roman! I look to your participation of all the "Ice Age". I am proud that we have such skaters as you. Good luck to you and let you all poluchpoluchitsya.Eto important. Know that we are with you and you always is supported.
  • led_prosto_led for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • Visit the site dedicated to a wonderful skater Roman Kostomarov br>u
  • led_prosto_led for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • br>u
  • Tania for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • Hi! You are very beautiful couple with Chulpan Khamatova. Good luck to you in zhyzni.
  • ROMAN YOU devilishly attractive man! And your smile is UMOPOMROCHITELNAYA! I always look at you in amazement! YOU REALLY SUPER-MAN!
  • Olya for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • Roma, you are a great skater, great actor, as well as interesting, a smiling man! Good luck to you all! PS Belarus with you !
  • Hope from Yakutsk for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • What a pity that such a brilliant couple completed a career ... Without them, have no interest to watch competitions. So sick of the Roman and Tatyana for the project "Ice Age". I wish you a long sporting life. And another thing: Do not leave this project, raduyte us all with their performances.
  • Irina for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • Roman - for the sake of such a man as you should live, to dream and hope, and suddenly one day we will get together on one dorogoge.Vy best!
  • Galina for Roman S. KOSTOMAROV
  • Romochka, be happy! Your smile always happy! We look forward to is your statement! Joy of life!
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    Roman S. KOSTOMAROV, photo, biography Roman S. KOSTOMAROV  Figure skater, pair skating, photo, biography
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