Karpov, Fyodor Ivanovich( The diplomat, writer.)
Comments for Karpov, Fyodor Ivanovich
Biography Karpov, Fyodor Ivanovich
(second half. XV - OK. 1540) - diplomat, writer. Native of Tver boyars. He was one of the most educated men of his time, knew Latin, Greek, Tatar languages. He was interested in ancient art and literature, works on philosophy, astronomy, theology. The most educated contemporaries (M. Greek, A. M. Kurbski and others) to worship him as a decent and intelligent 'pundit'. Promoted the ideals of a secular state based on the 'truth' and 'justice' ^, as well as high-morality of rulers. One of the first advanced the thesis on the evaluation of man not to gentility, but on merit.