Bellyarminov Leonid G.( optometrist)
Comments for Bellyarminov Leonid G.
Biography Bellyarminov Leonid G.
Born in 1859, studied at the Military Medical Academy, where he graduated from the course in 1883. In 1886. Doctor of Medicine for his thesis: "The experience of the graphical method to study the movements of the pupil and intraocular pressure (St. Petersburg, 1887). In 1887, Mr.. sent for improvement for 2 years abroad, where he worked under the guidance of Helmholz Valdeyera, D. Vikhrov Shveyggera etc.. Since 1893, Mr.. Professor of Military Medical Academy in the department of ophthalmology with the eye clinic. In 1893, Mr.. Consultant eye diseases at the main military and medical management. Since 1893, Mr.. Board member patronage of Empress Maria Alexandrovna of the Blind, where he organized "The special section guardianship to prevent blindness. Published works: "Zur frage uber die Wirkung d. Cocains auf das Auge "(" Klinische Monatsblatter f. Augenheilkunde ", 1885);" Anwendung d. graphischen Methode bei Untersuchungen der Pupillenbewegungen - Photocoreograph "(" Pflugers Archiv f. Physiologie ", 1885);" On the pathogenesis of sympathetic inflammation of the eye "(" Russian Medicine ", 1885);" Verbesserter Apparat zur graphischen Untersuchung des intraocularen Druckes und der Pupillenbewegungen "(" Bericht. d. Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft zu Heidelberg ", . 1887); "A new experience ophthalmoscopic study" (1888), "On the intermittent stimulation of the retina" (1889), "On the diffusion in the cavity of the eye in various pathological conditions", (1894); "Ueber die Tatowierung der Hornhaut und der Conjunctiva" ( "Report of the XII International Congress in Moscow", . 1896) and much more.,