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Aleksei Ivanovich Vvedensky

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Comments for Aleksei Ivanovich Vvedensky
Biography Aleksei Ivanovich Vvedensky
Born in 1861,. family priest. He graduated from the course at the Moscow Theological Academy, which took the chair of history of philosophy. In 1891, Mr.. defended his master's thesis: "Belief in God, its origin and reason". Abroad, studied philosophy at the Sorbonne and College de France. In 1892, Mr.. took the chair at the Academy of metaphysics and logic, replacing the deceased professor Kudryavtseva. In 1902, Mr.. Vvedensky published a thesis, giving him a doctorate in theology: "The religious consciousness of paganism. Experience the philosophical history of natural religions ". He lectures on logic at Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. In addition to specific theological and philosophical essays and articles, Vvedensky written numerous articles on social, literary and artistic themes, and is a regular contributor to the Moscow Gazette. In addition to these two theses, . Vedenskiy belong to the following books: "The Western reality and Russian ideals" (letters from abroad, . Sergiev Posad, . 1894), "The current state of philosophy in Germany and France" (Sergiev Posad, . 1894), "Letters of modern art" (M., . 1898), "The modern themes,
. Collection of popular and philosophical articles "(Moscow, 1900)," The law of causality and reality of the external world "(Kharkov, 1901). From articles Vedenskiy some went separate pamphlets: "Religious renewal of our days" (2 nd edition, M., 1903 - 4); "Pessimism and optimism of the theory of life. Experience characteristics outlook Hartman as a whole "(1907)," Socialism, as a moral and theoretical problem "(Moscow, 1907)," World tragedy of knowledge "(1908)," The turning point in modern social consciousness "(1911). Vvedensky continues the tradition of his two predecessors in the department of philosophy and the Moscow Theological Academy - Golubinsky and Kudryavtseva. His philosophy in contrast to that which prevails in the university, does not want to get rid of the assumptions taken for granted. She candidly admits the original truths of Christianity and the dogma of the Orthodox view of the world, established on this basis, seeks to justify and complement, using the results obtained on the basis of scientific philosophy. Philosophy Vvedensky is, above all, the philosophy of Orthodox Christians. The scientific worldview, which he builds on this soil, there can be neither rigorously adhered to, or very specific. Vvedensky carefully peered into the results of Western philosophical thought, and finds it flow, consistent with its views of. His works do not make a serious scientific contribution to the Russian philosophical literature, but they are popular, understandable to the general public. Vvedensky - Nationalist. In his view, the philosophy of every nation is a revelation of the faith of the people, and therefore, if the possibility of Russian philosophy, it is only the philosophy of Orthodox. German philosophy, Vvedensky, different abstraction; its systems exclude one another, they lay the foundation world or the exclusive principle of reason, or no less than exceptional principle of will, or, finally, the same principle feelings. Such exclusivity leads German philosophical thought to a denial of knowledge of the essence of things. French philosophy has always maintained the same relationship between the mind, will and feeling. In fact we know directly our own inner activity, she pointed the way to penetrate the true reality, but in the act of faith found a point of departure in the explanation of world process. Philosopher, to the views which Vvedensky associates, apparently, the most readily - Maine de Biran, and views of the latter are especially attracted Vvedenskogo following. There is no thought without consciousness, there is no consciousness without a free activity. Our spiritual essence, which consists of free effort, known to us in direct experience. Cognition is essentially a knowledge of the metaphysical, which thus becomes possible. However, the German idea has not remained without effect on Vvedensky. Of all the latest modern trends, it selects those that are strong-willed character, and voluntarism philosophy sees the future. According Vvedensky (close to Dilthey), the basis of our lives - a practical nature, the senses give us the world only as a phenomenon, the reality is he is only a feeling and will. K. M.

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