Giese, Ferdinand I. (Giese)( chemist)
Comments for Giese, Ferdinand I. (Giese)
Biography Giese, Ferdinand I. (Giese)
(1781 - 1821), a native of Prussia. In 1803, Mr.. summoned to Russia and was appointed Professor of Chemistry at Kharkov University, then moved to Dorpat. Its main works: "Von den chemischen Processen etc."; "Physico-chemical and medical testing of mineral water and some clay, . found in the province of Poltava "(Kharkov, . 1806), . "Hauptzuge der Fortschritte, . welche die Naturforscher Russlands in der Kenntniss vaterlandischer Naturerzeugnisse gethan haben etc. "(Kharkiv, . 1807), . "Classification des substances vegetales et animales, . selon leur proprietes chimiques "(M., . 1810), . On advantageous way to extract and purify saltpeter "(Kharkov, . 1811), . However Grindel Giza in 1809 and 1810 years, he published "Russische Jahrbucher der Chemie