Zabello Parmen Petrovich( Sculptor)
Comments for Zabello Parmen Petrovich
Biography Zabello Parmen Petrovich
Born in 1830, general education received at St. Petersburg College St. Peter's German and in 1850, Mr.. Students enrolled in the Imperial Academy of Arts. Being honored by it, for its success in leplenii, a small silver coin, went in 1854, on his own account in Italy, and held in this country for eight years, working mainly in Rome and Florence. At this time, he carved the statues: "Naiad" (for the fountain, . commissioned by Empress Alexandra Feodorovna), . "Rebecca at the Well", . "Tatiana" (the heroine of Pushkin's poems) and "Woe" (for a tombstone Countess Tyszkiewicz, . Nice), . and a few portrait busts and bas -, . incidentally, . portraits of the four members of the family Kochubeev, . for which the Academy in 1869, . elevated him to the rank of Academician. On his return, in 1872, from foreign parts, Zabello settled in St. Petersburg, where working and still. From the performance of the works here are worthy of attention: A group of "Mermaid" (for the fountain in Kazan), a statue A.S. Pushkin (located in the Alexander Lyceum, . in St. Petersburg), . "Christ in Gethsemane", . Two statues of the Emperor Alexander II (one in the building of St. Petersburg Circuit Court, . other - in the village Buzovke, . Tarascha County, . Kiev Province), . colossal bust of the same nationality (in the railway Disabled house, . in Smolensk province), . marble bust of T, . Shevchenko (in Chernigov), H. Gogol (in Nezhin, huge), M.E. Saltykov and neck. etc.