Alexei Zinoviev Zinovievich( Philologist)
Comments for Alexei Zinoviev Zinovievich
Biography Alexei Zinoviev Zinovievich
(1801 - 1884). After graduating from the verbal department of Moscow University, Zinoviev taught Latin and Russian in Moscow boarding school. To this period belong his studies with Lermontov. Defended his master's thesis ( "On the early, . progress and success stories critical of Russia ", . M., . 1827), . Zinoviev was appointed "Professor of Russia's rhetoric and literature, . ancient language "in Yaroslavl Demidov Lyceum, later was a professor of Russian literature in the Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages, . Its main works: "Training the book of the Latin language" (Moscow, 1829), "Foundations of Russian style" (Moscow, 1839), "Historical Sketch Lazarev Institute of Oriental Languages (St. Petersburg, 2 nd ed., 1863). Translated Paradise Lost, Milton (2 nd ed., 1871). The death of Zinoviev published his original work "Roman antiquity. Description of public and private life of ancient Romans (Moscow, 1884 and 1887).