Walter Albert Koch (Koch)( The largest German astrologer, linguist, specialist in ancient literature.)
Comments for Walter Albert Koch (Koch)
Biography Walter Albert Koch (Koch)
(18.09.1895, 5:25 GT, Esslingen - 25.02.1970, 14:20 GT, GцІppingen) His father was a manufacturer. K. participated in World War I, was seriously wounded in the right leg. He studied classical languages and history at the University of Strasbourg, and Tц?bingen. He defended his doctoral dissertation on the Syrian war of Ptolemy III of Bithynia and the coins of his sister Berenice.
K astrological outlook K. came through the training history of culture. In 1924, Mr.. he began to publish in an astrological periodicals. In 1930-ies. was an employee of the magazine Dr. Korsch Zenit (Dusseldorf). In 1933. K. already taken exams in astrology. After the Nazis came to power to. (like many other astrologers) was arrested and spent several years in prison and was later transferred to Dachau concentration camp, where he stayed until the end of World War II. After the war, and until his retirement to. was a member of the senior faculty council Gogenshtaufenskoy Classical High School in GцІttingen, and free time devoted to astrological research and writing books. He entered the circle of researchers Hans Genuita and was a regular contributor to the publication of his "Astrological monthly" (1950 - 1963).
To. criticized charlatanism and new systems of astrology, as a whole traditionalist. Especially active TO. opposed to fatalistic interpretations of astrology. Spheres of research to. were of houses of the horoscope, the configuration aspects of the arc, as well as the ratio of astrological characteristics of colors (paints), and precious stones. K. developed its own system of houses (cm. Koch house system), which is based on the older system Regiomontanus houses and discussed in the book to. "Regiomontanus and system houses in the place of birth" (1960). Currently, this system is particularly popular in America and Germany. Among other works of Claude: "Teaching about the aspects of Kepler", . "Types of prophecy", . "The prophecy and astrological forecast", . Sistema Placidus ", . Man on the outside and inside ", . "Kartomantiya and astromanticheskie test card, . "Your color", . "Your character", . "Horoscope and heavenly home, . Fundamentals and antiquity "(Joint. with V.Knappih-Win, 1959) and others. Honorary member of many national astrological societies (in Belgium and France), K. in his later years was vice-president of the International Society for Astrological Research (ISAR) from Germany.
Selected works: Koch WA, von Bressendorf O. Astrologische Farbenlehre. - Mц?nich: OWBarth Verlag, 1930. Koch WA, von Bressendorf O. Psychologische Farbenlehre. - Halle: Carl Marhold Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1931. Koch WA. Aspektlehre nach Johannes Kepler. - Hamburg, 1950. Koch WA. Dr.Korsch und die Astrologie. - Muenchen, 1956. Koch WA. Regiomontanus und das Haeusersystem des Geburtsortes. - Goeppingen: Siriusverlag, 1960. Koch WA, Schaeck E. Haeusertabellen des geburtsortes fц?r die noerdichen Breiten 23 б° -44 б° und fц?r den ц?quator, 0 б°, bei einer Ekliptikschiefe von 23 б° 27'00 ". - Neunkirchen Saar: Verlag Elisabeth Schaeck, 1965. Koch WA, Schaeck E. Birthplace Table of Houses. - New York: ASI, 1975. Literature: 1. Vronsky. Astrology - my vocation. 2. Lewis JR. The Astrology Encyclopedia. 3. Astrological Dictionary.