Hilferding, Rudolf (Hilferding)( One of the leaders of Germany and the Austrian Social-Democracy, theorist of the so-called. avstromarksizma)
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Biography Hilferding, Rudolf (Hilferding)
Hilferding, Rudolf (Hilferding), (1877-1941), one of the leaders of Germany and the Austrian Social-Democracy, theorist t. n. avstromarksizma. Medical student entered the Austrian Social-Democratic Party. After graduation, he moved to Berlin, where he worked in the "Neue Zeit" ( "Neue Zeit"), the theoretical organ of the Social-Democratic, speaking with articles on Marxist economic theory. In the 1907-15 editor of the central body of Germany Social Democratic Party Forverts "(" Vorwarts "). In his main work "Finance Capital" (1910) Hilferding made one of the first attempts to give a scientific explanation of the new phenomena of capitalism, associated with its entry into the stage of imperialism. It Hilferding has compiled a great theoretical material about the emergence and activities of joint stock companies, . the formation of fictitious capital, . described the exchange; considered the process of subordination of the small capital of the largest, defended the thesis of maturity for the replacement of capitalism by socialism., . . In 1924, Hilferding was elected to the Reichstag, which sharply criticized the growing Nazi movement . Twice served as Minister of Finance: in 1923 the government in 1928-29 and Stresemann government Mueller. . . After the Nazis came to power in 1933, Hilferding was forced to leave Germany: first he went to Denmark, then to Switzerland and finally to France . Vichy government issued Hilferding Gestapo. He died in a Paris prison on Feb. 10, 1941.