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Alexei Solomatin

( Hero of the Soviet Union, the squadron commander)

Photo Gallery Alexei Solomatin (1)
Comments for Alexei Solomatin
Biography Alexei Solomatin
Alexey Frolovich Solomatin was born February 12, 1921 in the village Bunakova-2 Ferzikovskogo district of Kaluga Region in a peasant family. Russian. He graduated from the 3 course the Kaluga Irrigation college and flying club.

In the Soviet Army from 1939. In 1940 he graduated from the Kachin Military Aviation Pilot School.

Member of the Great Patriotic War from June 1941. Squadron 296 th Fighter Regiment (later the 73rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment) (268 th Fighter Division, . 8-th Air Army, . Southern Front) Lieutenant Solomatin to February 1943 made 266 sorties, . in 108 air battles he personally shot down 12 and in the group of 15 enemy aircraft,
. In early 1943, the regiment came to serve Lydia Litvyak.

Initially, Lida was the charge of the Solomatin as a co-worker to cover up in the fighting. One day after a heavy battle Alyosha, looking into his blue eyes girl, said: "Lida, you - a miracle '. Their sympathy quickly grew into love. They did not hide their relationship. Solomatin anxiously watched the departing to take off her 'hawks', which itself had to remain on the ground.

Lesha is very kind to his beloved. After one flight, he gave Litvyak small knife with a patterned grip. Girl hitched a mascot in a leather case to your belt and never parted with him. In turn, Alex, that for a moment not to forget the favorite, has attached to the cockpit of his fighter Lidin photograph. Soon the guys were married.

. In 1943, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from May 1, 1943 for their courage and bravery, . displayed in the battles against the Nazi invaders, Senior Lieutenant Alexei Frolovich Solomatin was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union with the award of the Order of Lenin and medal "Gold Star" (N 955),
. In all his fighting account was 17 enemy aircraft shot down in person and 22 - group.

Lida ever proud of her lover. But their happiness was short-lived.

In 1943, Mr.. a misfortune. In the eyes of the whole regiment Alexei Solomatina plane crashed. On the morning of May 21 pilot, as usual, cheerful and confident of victory, leaving for another job. Lida pursued the car look of her beloved husband. In the air battle over the village Pavlovka Solomatina plane was hit, its very badly wounded. With great difficulty Alex overstretched fighter to the airfield, but the plant was not able.

'... Lida first noticed the aircraft appeared over the airfield. Fighter is not burned, and they had no trace of smoke, he just flew to the ground at a steep angle, fast and beautiful. Only the sound of tearing the soul of the incident plane filled all around. And then she realized - it was a farewell song of her friend, who came to the house to die. She closed her eyes, not shed a tear, not turned. Echoing echoed aerodrome explosion. Lesha was no more ... '

Not believing in the death of a loved one, Litvyak went to the accident: from the rubble dragged the charred body, which can be identified except on orders. After the funeral, and a farewell salute to the girl literally dragged from the grave mound. Command offered to leave his widow, but she requested to entrust the most difficult task. Lida guarded the whole regiment. But the fearless aviatrix, it seemed, sought a meeting with her husband. Outlive Lyesha she was destined only two and a half months.

August 1, 1943, Mr.. 'Yak-1' with the tail number '23 '(the last car Litvyak) at their base did not return. Shot down two enemy aircraft and returning to base, she was suddenly attacked and knocked down. Killed favorite regiment at the age of 22 years.


2 Order of Lenin
Order of the Red Banner


Buried at the central square of the hamlet Pavlovka Rostov region.
On the building of irrigation College in Kaluga, a memorial plaque.

Photos of Alexei Solomatin
  • Alexei Solomatin

Photos of Alexei Solomatin
Alexei Solomatin

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  • Dr. K. Jean Cottam for Alexei Solomatin
  • All of the above is a fairy tale. At first Lidya didn't like Solomatin and asked to be transferred to another squadron. It was only after he died that she realized she loved him. THEY WERE NEVER MARRIED!
  • Dr. K. Jean Cottam for Alexei Solomatin
  • I should have mentioned that I based my comment on what Lidya herself confessed in a letter to her mother after Solomatin's fatal accident. The letter was cited in Reina Pennington's book Wings, Women & War (University Press of Kansas), 2001.
  • Sasha for Alexei Solomatin
  • The above written is total fabrication. Read "Vernis iz Poleta", that tells some of the story. And whoever wrote this should either learn some English before publishing historical writings or stop using translation software. It hardly makes any sense! Stupid....
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    Alexei Solomatin, photo, biography Alexei Solomatin  Hero of the Soviet Union, the squadron commander, photo, biography
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