Grippenberg Oscar Ferdinand Kazimirovich( adjutant general, General of Infantry, nepris. member of the Council of State)
Comments for Grippenberg Oscar Ferdinand Kazimirovich
Biography Grippenberg Oscar Ferdinand Kazimirovich
Born in 1838, Mr.. Member of the Crimean War in 1855, Mr.. and the campaign to pacify the Polish uprising of 1863 - 1864 he. In 1866 - 1868 he. participated in the conquest of Bukhara. During the Russian-Turkish war of 1877 - 1878 he. commanded the Guards of the Moscow Regiment and distinguished himself in defending Pravetskii positions and repelling attacks by the Turkish-Arab Konakov. In 1902, Mr.. appointed commander of the Vilna District. In 1904. appointed commander of the 2-nd Manchu army. The failure of the army under Sandepu made discord between Grippenberg and commander in chief, General Kuropatkin, resulting Grippenberg left the army. In 1905, Mr.. appointed inspector-general of infantry, but the following year resigned for health deranged. In response to a report issued by General Kuropatkin "Battle of Sandepu" Grippenberg wrote backgrounds operations cover the left flank of the location Oku Army in January 1905 " (St. Petersburg, 4 th ed. 1910) and "Answer On. Grippenberg the charges of the Adjutant General Kuropatkina "(St. Petersburg, 1909), which proves that the cause of failure under Sandepu and then near Mukden itself is Kuropatkin.