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Gabriadze Revaz Levanovich

( Georgian novelist, playwright, screenwriter, director, painter, master book graphics, puppeteer)

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Biography Gabriadze Revaz Levanovich
Gabriadze, REVAZ Levanovich (p. 1936), a Georgian writer, playwright, screenwriter, director, painter, master book graphics, puppeteer, Honored Artist of Georgia (1979), laureate of USSR State Prize (1989. Winner of 'Grand Prix' Moscow International Festival and the Prize 'Nick', Tsarskoselskaya Award (1996, St. Petersburg), an independent national award 'Triumph' (1997). Nominee Award 'Golden Mask' (1997), St. Petersburg theatrical prize "Golden Soffit '(1997), as well as many foreign festivals.

Born June 29, 1936 in Kutaisi. Studied at the Kutaisi Pedagogical Institute (Faculty of History) and the Tbilisi University (Faculty of Philology and Journalism). In 1968 he graduated from the Higher Courses-union writers and producers

. Author scripting feature films: "The extraordinary exhibition" (1968), . "Do not worry!" (1969), . "Jackass" (1974), . "Spring on the road (consisting kinoalmanaha" In the shade of native trees ", . 1975), . "Mimino" (with V. Tokareva and G. Danelia, . 1977), . "Thermometer" (TV movie 1976), . "Butterfly" (TV movie, . 1977), . "Suite" (composed kinoalmanaha "One day", . 1977), . "Dumas in the Caucasus" (1979), . "Kin-Dza-Dza" (1986), . "Passport" (1990),
. Directors of most movies - G. Danelia and E. Shengelaya. By art short films: "Paris", . "Saturday Night", . "Thermometer", . Three rubles ", . "Lemon cake", . "Conquerors of the Mountains", . Three groom "and" Good Luck "(directors: R. Gabriadze, . R. Sharabidze, . A. Darsavelidze, . N. Neon, . G. Tsulaia, . R. Charhalashvili and B. Tsuladze, . 1974),

In 1981, organized the Tbilisi Marionette Theater. Performances (Gabriadze - the author of plays, film director, painter, sculptor): "Alfred and Violetta (in explanation of the opera J. Verdi's "La Traviata", 1981), "Brilliant Marshal de Fanta, or the Poem of Old Tbilisi" (1982), "Daughter of the Emperor of Trebizond (1983)," Autumn of our Spring "(1985)," Song of the Volga or the Battle of Stalingrad " (1996). With Marionette Theater participated in Edinburgh, Avignon, New York International Festivals. Put as dramas "What is sad - the end of the alley" (Lausanne, Switzerland), "Kutaisi" (Breton, France and the theater 'Kleber Melo', Switzerland),.

From 1994 to 1995 - the artistic director of the Moscow State Puppet Theater. SV Obraztsov.

Art Gabriadze organically linked to the national artistic traditions. In interviews and memoirs, he has repeatedly said that the roots of his work go to the post-war childhood Kutaisi. His heroes philosophic, touching and paradoxical. His scripts and texts of plays, ironically, as an artist, he learned a lot from the Georgian art primitive school Pirosmani N..

His puppet show - a unique phenomenon in the culture. This combination of different arts, sculpture, painting, cinema, so it plays 'high density of theatrical time'. Main in Gabriadze individuality - the ability to connect the unconnected, resulting in a unique fusion of meanings games, hits sentiment, metaphoric act. The heroes of his puppets are often birds, animals, ants who live, think, suffer as a people, and this artistic device raises the performance to a higher degree of generality and expressiveness, rather than the usual actor's theater. His puppet show - not for children and for adults (he failed to penetrate in the Moscow Puppet Theater. Obraztsov, where he was appointed the first artistic director, and then he was forced to resign). His theater for those, . who is able to understand, . that "Alfred and Violetta" - a kind of parody of the plot of Verdi, . transferred to the Georgian soil, . that "the daughter of the Emperor of Trebizond" suffused motives Georgian poetry, . especially beloved poet Gabriadze Galaktion Tabidze, . that the hero of "Autumn in our spring", . inexpressibly touching Bird Boris - the author's recollection of himself, . his postwar childhood and first love, . that the last of the terrible war can say the voice of Leah Akhedzhakova: 'How many people do not become, . how many guns did not become,
. And we, ants, anyone counted? " Each performance is a tiny theater became a theatrical event in the life. It is always amusing, sad, ironic, touching, subtle nuances of presentation techniques.

Absolute peak Gabriadze creativity in this genre - the play "Song of the Volga or the Battle of Stalingrad" (1996). By the time the theater collapsed, and the play was made with Russian actors, premiered in St. Petersburg theater satire on Vasilevsky Island. As always, . a mixture of penetrating household items, . Philosophical Dialogues, . fantasy, . visions, . where the viewer is on equal ant and Stalin, . German general and circus horse - employee scenes Transport Alyosha, . in love with the star of the arena, . circus horse Natasha,
. This compound Requiem and child play: the action takes place on a large table, . gravelly, . which, , . the river, . a mound, . which she shook the hand of the puppeteer each successive character is dead,
. In the play there became famous metaphor: the invasion (a sheet of iron with thimbles - German helmets, . which is set to the music of infinitely Seventh Symphony of Shostakovich, . then collapses into a skating rink, . crushing everything in its path), . train - a bucket with holes - windows, . illuminated from the inside, . whirling in a circle - so the illusion of motion,
. In chamber puppet shows, a maximum capacity of 100 spectators, Gabriadze rises to epic heights of metaphorical. 'I am in life never touched such a serious subject, and even a Requiem' - admits he

. In 2002, revived the Tbilisi Marionette Theater again presented a Georgian theater in New York at the annual festival at Lincoln Center, where with great success showed two performances: "The Battle of Stalingrad: Requiem" and "Autumn in my spring"
. The performance of my Spring Autumn in New York was named 'delicate synthesis of painting, poetry, music and drama'. He had the honor to close this prestigious international festival.

In the early 1990's Marionette Theater has collapsed, and Gabriadze worked a lot in Europe (staged performances, created a cycle of paintings in the style of Pushkin's ironic primitivism, made an exhibition of miniature porcelain sculpture), lived in St. Petersburg. This resembles a miniature statue of St Petersburg Siskin-Pyzhik, sitting under a bridge on the Fontanka. The artist loves to watch the characters of animals and birds, humanizes them, makes them heroes of the plays, his paintings and sculptures. One of his paintings called "In the window on the small twigs of a bird is sick stomach". In 1993, the first Chekhov Festival hosted in the Theater Museum of. AA Bakhrushin exhibit their dolls and paintings. Exhibit included the idol of a theater audience Bird BL, . doll of his friend A. Bitova, . wearing lezginka, . referred to a painting of a sparrow, . graphic cycle "hardworking Pushkin and scenic loop, . on Tabidze G., . pieces of baggage (Commonwealth Bitov, . Gabriadze, . Zhvanetskiy) pages from the manuscripts with such aphorisms: "If a long look at the stool, . is frightening ',
. Or: 'I threw the sadness in the river, it did not sink'. This exhibition was not only the artist but a writer and even a poet, a man who finds poetry in everything.

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Gabriadze Revaz Levanovich, photo, biography
Gabriadze Revaz Levanovich, photo, biography Gabriadze Revaz Levanovich  Georgian novelist, playwright, screenwriter, director, painter, master book graphics, puppeteer, photo, biography
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