Baratali Mikhail Petrovich( Georgian numismatist)
Comments for Baratali Mikhail Petrovich
Biography Baratali Mikhail Petrovich
(1784 - 1856), son of Simbirsk Governor, Lieutenant-General Peter Melhisedekovicha B. When he was county leader, B. founded in Simbirsk Lodge of Masons "The key to virtue", dependent on the box "Astrea". Dealings with the Masons, bringing it closer to some members of society "United Slavs", touching the plot on December 14. This acquaintance was the reason for the call B. St. Petersburg and arrested him, but after 3 weeks he was released. B. in 1839 he was appointed manager of the customs district in Georgia. B. engaged in the Caucasus Georgian collecting coins and made a collection, only on the completeness and richness. After leaving in 1844 to resign, B. published in Russian, French and Georgian languages description of his collection: "Numismatic facts Georgian kingdom" (St. Petersburg, 1844).