KONDRATIEV Nikolay( economist and author of works on philosophy and methodology of social sciences)
Comments for KONDRATIEV Nikolay
Biography KONDRATIEV Nikolay
Overview In 1911, Mr.. entered economical. Akad Juridical. Faculty Petersburg. un-ta, where his teachers were MI. Tugan-Baranovsky, Lappo-Danilevsky, MM. Kovalevsky, LI. Petrazhitsky. After the Zap in 1915. was left to prepare for the prof. rank of chair. polit. Economy and Statistics. In the 20-ies. K. was a consistent one-hundred-ronnikom TN. commodity model of socialism and the free co-operation of individual credit-styanskih farms, sharply protested against the plans of forced industrialization. In 1938. convicted by the Military Collegium and shot. In the 20-ies. created the concept of large cycles, conditions. In the world lit-re-fastened to it under the name "cycles (waves) Kondratieff". He was well acquainted with filos.-methodology. ideas of his time (in. Windelband, D. Rickert, E. Cassirer, D. Simmel, E. Durkheim, M. Beber) in Philosophy. and filos.-Economic. works VN. Lossky. C. JI. Frank S.N. Bulgakov P.B. Struve etc.. (Adapted from the book.: Russian Philosophy. Small Collegiate Dictionary. Moscow, 1995)
Variable Works. economical problems. statics and dynamics: Preliminary. sketch. Moscow, 1991; Izbr. op. Moscow, 1993 (PRIVAT Dehn bibl. Works K.).