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Valuev Dmitry

( One of the prominent representatives of the Slavophil School)

Comments for Valuev Dmitry
Biography Valuev Dmitry
(1820 - 45). He graduated from the course at Moscow University, which was prepared under the direction Shevyrov. In 1842, Mr.. began his tireless activity in the literary field. Despite his youth, he immediately took a prominent place in the circle of brothers Kireevskys, Khomyakov YU.F. Samarin, Konstantin and Ivan Aksakovs and first began to conduct systematic literature views Slavophil School. Convinced that only the Russian people is a true expression of Christian principles of society and state, Valuev believed that the first steps toward liberation from the domination of the West should be to explore the history of Russian people. With feverish haste he began to collect a hitherto untapped sources of this history, along with his uncles, three linguistic and Khomiakov. In the province of Simbirsk he rummaged in the nobility and government archives, searching for ancient instruments in those spiritual, merchants, the scribes. The result was "Simbirsky Collection" (Moscow, 1845). Incidentally there is printed a bit book, which Valuev, as an introduction, he wrote a study of localism, which appeared subsequently in a separate edition and still remaining one of the best works on this subject. Then taking Valuev edition of the Compendium of historical and statistical information about Russia and her peoples and the same faith edinoplemennyh (Moscow, 1845), which he originally wanted to call the "Slavic". This was the first in Russia to experience a serious study of the Slavic world. Along with transferable articles on the history of Slavic we find here the original article Khomyakova, . Popova, . Granovsky, . Snegiryov and Solovyov, but the main interest of "Compendium" is in the articles of the Valuev on German cities and Slavic, . of the Slavic and Orthodox population in Austria, . Christianity in Ireland and in Abyssinia, . and especially in the preface, . written Valuev and yavivshemsya fruit of long conversations and meetings with Kireevsky and Khomiakov,
. This introduction - as if the program throughout the follow-up Slavophil school; written with youthful enthusiasm, it has retained its importance in the present. In 1890. one of the giants of the school, wanting to present her worldview, did not find anything better than to bring this preface almost wholly (Article VI. Lamansky in "Live Antiquities", 1890, issue II, pages. 218 - 233). A third literary enterprise in. publication was "Libraries for Education", which led to his acquaintance with A.P. Sontag. The journal was published from 1843. with the participation of many professors of Moscow University and other scholars and writers. In the summer of 1843. for his health went abroad. In Paris, . in London, he was collecting material for his writings on the Irish church, . of Abyssinia, from Prague, had brought a lot of rare books and manuscripts, . related to Czech history, in England to enter into relations with people, . sympathizers animates his thinking about the connection of Churches,
. After returning to Moscow, his illness increased, he decided again to go abroad, to the south of France, but died en route, in Novgorod. - Wed. S. Shevyrev "Biography DA. Valuev (Moscow, 1846; of the "Moscow News"); Barsukov "Life and works of M. P. Pogodin.

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Valuev Dmitry, photo, biography
Valuev Dmitry, photo, biography Valuev Dmitry  One of the prominent representatives of the Slavophil School, photo, biography
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