Puzyrevsky Platon Aleksandrovich( Professor of Mineralogy, St. Petersburg University.)
Comments for Puzyrevsky Platon Aleksandrovich
Biography Puzyrevsky Platon Aleksandrovich
1831 - 71 . In 1854, . one year after completing the course in Physics and Mathematics at St. Petersburg University, . for his health after he underwent a serious illness, . Puzyrevsky went to Naples; grandiose manifestation of volcanic activity of Mount Vesuvius and the diversity of the geological structure of neighborhoods of Naples fully drawn attention Puzyrevsky and determined the direction of its future activities, . Recovering from illness, Puzyrevsky went to the Freiburg Mining Academy, which held 2 years, winter lectures, and in summer on a tour of the classic localities in Germany. Returning to Russia, , . which is held until death, . From 1861 Puzyrevsky, as secretary, took an active part in the activities of the Imperial Mineralogical Society, where he published a series of papers, notes and reports. From the works Puzyrevsky, . except above, . should be mentioned in the printed editions Mineralogical Society: "Ueber einige russische Apatite" (1862), . "Neue Fundorte der Morpholiten in Finland" (1862), . "Nefed'eva, . new mineral from Nerchinsk Territory "(1872), . In ed. Academy of Sciences Puzyrevsky printed: "Ueber Eisenerz aus dem Bohrloche zu St.-Petersburg" (1864), "Eozoon canadense im Kalkstein von Hopunwara in Finland", etc.