Valuev Alexandra( Journalist.)
Comments for Valuev Alexandra
Biography Valuev Alexandra
(21.VI.1920, der. Sebeleva Smolensk region Smolensk region - 18.III.1994, Smolensk) She began her career in g. Elnya in 1937. after the Financial and Economic College. Until 1939. worked as an economist-planner. Then - at the Komsomol in Elninskaya RK YCL. In 1940. was transferred to the executive secretary of the newspaper "Socialist Way. During the war she worked in the base hospital, studied in courses at the Komsomol Central Committee, head of the newspaper "Farmer" in Yukhnov area, was managing editor of temkinskoy regional newspaper "Stalin's way". Since 1944. - Own correspondent "Work path", at one time worked in the youth of the regional newspaper "The Bolshevik youth". Since 1952, Mr.. until his retirement in. worked in the "Working Way. The terms of her interests was wide enough - stories and essays of the foremost agricultural, mills and factories, workers review letters, essays on moral themes. In his articles defending the interests of ordinary people who defended their rights.
M.E. Steklov