Aleksey Razin Egorovich( Famous writer for young people)
Comments for Aleksey Razin Egorovich
Biography Aleksey Razin Egorovich
died in 1875 From the farmers of the Vladimir province, was raised in the 3rd St. Petersburg High School, was a tutor in Pavlovsky housing in the Russian language and literature, he served in different departments, among others - in Poland on Peasant Affairs. Compositions him: "God's World" (which went through many editions), . Stories about animals and plants "(Saint-Petersburg, . 1864), . "The real Robinson" (Saint-Petersburg, . 1860), . Stories about nature and its phenomena "(Saint-Petersburg, . 1861), . "Historical stories and biographies" (Saint-Petersburg, . 1861), . "Traveling to different countries of the world" (St.-Petersburg, . 1860), . "Tales and Stories for Children" (St.-Petersburg, . 1860) and much more, . At one time editor of "Proceedings of the Free Economic Society", was co-editor of the Journal for Children. Also published, with translation into German, "Body of statutes and ordinances of the Government on the device of the settlers, owners". Razin was a thoroughly educated and also had knowledge of medicine. At station. Luban, where he lived a long time, it is very well provided medical assistance to local farmers.